As an expert advisor in national and international syndicated and bilateral acquisitions, real estate and corporate loan facilities, I have more than 15 years of experience advising financial institutions, sponsors, and companies.


I offer legal advice and guidance to new startups, growing companies and successful entrepreneurs that may need help planning the next steps for their business. This includes legal support in connection with the strategy and structure of the start-up as well as its corporate governance and fundraising activities.


ESG is not only a woke buzz word or a marketing tool. We are all aware of the challenges this world in facing. While probably the most important one, climate change is only one of them. Potentially inhumane working conditions in developing countries, race and gender equality, diversity etc. should als be at the forefront of our thinking when doing business. We do not only owe it to the next generation, but it may directly or indirectly affect your business and you may find it increasingly difficult to attract investors that have to adhere to certain ESG requirements.