You are looking into a potential transaction and have received a non-disclosure agreement / confidentiality agreement from your counterparty?

I will review and negotiate your NDA for a fixed price:

- EUR 350* for a 4 page document (based on business standard font (such as Times New Roman or Arial) in an 11-pt font size).

- EUR 60* for each additional page.

Please upload the completed Questionnaire and your NDA here and following a conflict check, I will contact you.

*These rates/fees are for standard requests which require a first review/mark-up within 2 banking days in Munich. If the request is urgent, i.e. requires a first review/mark-up within less than 48 hours, the applicable rates/fees increase by a factor of 1.5. The rates/fees are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) and expenses. Each mandate will be subject to the terms of an engagement letter entered between us.