1. Application

By accessing (the "Website") you acknowledge that these these Website Terms of Use are legally binding. If you do not agree, you should stop accessing and using the Website.

Please note that no sale of products or services take place on the Website. Any agreement to provide legal services will be governed by separate engagement terms that will be agreed with you.

2. Copyright

All copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Website and its content (including logos, illustrations, text and videos) belong to Daniel J. Müller or his licensors. Unless stated otherwise, all rights are reserved. If you’re in any doubt about whether you can use anything on the Website, please contact Daniel J. Müller for clarification.

You may print one or more of the pages of the Website for exclusive use within your organisation. Any other duplication, dissemination or distribution of the Website requires the explicit prior consent of d Daniel J. Müller. Please address any requests to Daniel J. Müller (

3. Using the Website

I reserve the right to suspend the operation of the Website at any time. I may also restrict access to some parts of the Website to users who have registered with me.

I update the Website regularly and may change the content at any time.

I have no control over, and do not accept any responsibility for, the content of any third party website. If I link to any third party website, this does not mean that I endorse or recommend the organisation which operates it. Your use of a third party site may be governed by the terms and conditions of that third-party site and is at your own risk.

You can create links to any content on the Website, however you must not do so in any way which is misleading or suggests any relationship between us where one does not exist. I am not obliged to notify you if any content you havelinked to has been updated, moved or deleted.

The website, and content published on it, is for information purposes only. Even though I am a regulated lawyer, it does not constitute legal advice on which you should rely. The law changes regularly and while I aim to ensure that any content is correct at the time it is published, I cannot guarantee that it will continue to be correct at the time you access it. I do not accept any liability or responsibility of any nature, arising from any reliance placed by you or anyone else on the content published on the Website. To the maximum extent permitted by law, I exclude my liability for direct, indirect or consequential loss.

4. Governing law

These Website Terms of Use are governed by German law.